April 25, 2011

Hair Idea

I know, I know... not another post. But I LOVE THIS!!

Scarf - the new all-around must have!

I can't believe some of these ideas! I found this at Grosgrain

Cute Table-Top Playhouses

Okay, these are so cute! How many of us have made a fort out of the underneath of a table? That's the best kind of fort there is.

This brilliant creation is found at Parties And Patterns

I'm loving this one. They use a Hula-Hoop as the support.

This lovely is found at Ohdeedoh!

This is what the inside of these cute things looks like:

This one is delightfully concocted at This and That

April 07, 2011

Explosion of Color

I'm loving the colors of this cute pic by Cuteable. It's very close to the colors I'm creating in my living room/dining/kitchen decor.... LOVE IT!

I completely love how the blue works so well with the red and yellow.

You are SO not going to believe this one...

Look how darling this is!!! I discovered this over at MATSUTAKE this morning and fell in love. That girl is genius I tell you!

Can you believe this is made out of picture frames??? Of course, it's just big enough for a cute little girl to sit on, but still, do you see the possibilities!!?